The Spin Off is the flying wing series designed by Christian Tollmein and Christian Behrens.
It was inspired by Hans-Jurgen Unverferths speed flying wing, the Joined series.

This wing is currently on it's third series of development and the one displayed is the Second Series. This aircraft uses the s5010 which is not usually used in a swept flying wing. The section has a positive pitching moment and so the wing has no washout or twist.
Christian and Christian have flown the different versions of the Spin Off in various competitions to great success and they are now in the C kader in the German F3B competition. They attribute their inexperience in varying conditions to their current position, but you can be sure that they will rise throught the ranks as their experience grows.
The Spin Off is available for sale in two versions, one general purpose model made with glass and one competition version made with Carbon. Contact:-
Christian Behrens
Geysostrasse 13
38106 Braunschweig
531 332526
You can send him an email
A Spin Off on launch. Don't land in that corn guys!


E-mail Andy MacDonald